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Hey, I'm Faye.

I am an Accredited Practicing Dietitian and Certified Yoga Instructor.

Really I am a food lover, mum and yoga junkie.

My journey to make peace with my body has been a windy one.  Yet, my belief in my body’s ability,

a positive connection to food through family and motherhood really helped.

In my youth I was a competitive gymnast at a National level.  I loved the confidence it gave me growing up as a shy kid, my body could do almost anything if I wanted to.

But there is also the underbelly of that competitive game…hyper-awareness of food fueling your body and perfectionism.  The constant importance placed on aesthetic, performance, body weight and ability.

It took me many years to find the warm embrace of yoga and intuitive eating.  This allowed me to find my myself again, reconnect with my body in a slower way…through the breath and interoceptive awareness.  

The connection with your SELF is paramount to find a way to nourish yourself in the way that suits your temperament best.  A journey into non-judgement, finding the breath, the stillness, learning to trust your body and what it is telling you, and to honour those values you hold dear.

And let’s be real…this journey never ends.

About: Client Testimonial

I was also raised in diet cultureThe 1990’s was full of ‘low-fat’ this and diet that.  Together as a family we came from meat and three vegetables, and home baking but also did the blood-type diet, liver cleanses, low fat, fruit first and who knows what else while dancing around a set of scales.  There was no name for this then, but we now call it orthorexia…the obsession with healthy eating.  

Coming from a long line of bakers, in my family there was never any doubt that any celebrations were (and are still) based around food. Fond food memories and those generational recipes passed down, that we can make again and remember our loved ones. 

This is where I truly connect with and love food. Memories from the vegetable garden, the smell of dirt on my hands, taking old family recipes and making them come to life again. 


Food was always a common with family as a child. As an athlete, learning how fuel my body, through yoga’s nutrition philosophy and my many years working in the restaurant industry.

I did not start my university degree until I was 26 and living in a different country.

All my studies and clinical experience since graduating still left me wondering…

I felt like something was missing, the big picture….the holistic view of a person and what makes them, them.  Their day-to-day life and lived experience really determines what values are important to them in relation to food.  This began my next phase of unlearning…which was interrupted with motherhood.

Motherhood is for real! It is a neighbourhood filled with sleep-deprived, multitasking, goddess-warriors and some of the most inspiring people I have ever met. 

Motherhood is a complete reset of your priorities, values, and skill-set with hard lessons in empathy and ego.  It shifts your perspective and for me THAT was the most empowering lesson of all.  

This was my window into really embracing my body, no matter what shape it now has.  With or without stretch marks, elephant-like skin, bigger or smaller boobs or bellies, tired eyes, weird hair and hormones….I grew and birthed three babies…our bodies are amazing and truly capable of so much more than we can imagine.

I studied the Health At Every Size model (HAES®) and the Non-Diet approach.  It takes the focus off body weight and rather onto health behaviours and wellness.  For me this approach draws on the best of everything and is following the best evidenced-based practice.  We can nourish our bodies through:

  • being weight inclusive (sadly the 'ideal' body shape is determined by our culture not our natural bodies and genetics);

  • health promoting habits for physical, social, and mental health by acknowledging the social determinants of health;

  • eating for well-being (not for weight control) based on your nutritional needs and pleasures;

  • being respectful to ourselves and others, recognising our own biases and internalised weight stigma;

  • learning to move joyfully, through physical activity that suits our abilities and interests.



So, these days this is where I sit.  

Embracing my body for all the wonderful things it can do for me.

Nourishing that body with food I enjoy so I can keep up with my kids, enjoy my family and friends, strive to be mentally strong, and to play on my yoga mat.

I can think of no better way to spend my work-life than sharing all these things to support your journey too. 

Let’s lose the scales, the diets and food rules. They don’t work! 

I follow an evidenced-based approach and can teach you how to integrate it in a gentle way.

I can’t give you an obsessive meal-plan, to help you fit back into your pre-pregnancy jeans. 

I am a dietitian, nutritionist and yoga teacher. 

With my experience, I can give you a mindful approach to eating. 

Help you ditch the guilt and to honour your values around food and your body.



  • MSc (Clinical Nutrition), University of California, Davis

  • Graduate Program (Dietetic Internship), University of Houston, Texas

  • DAA International Recognition Process, APD

  • Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200hr)


  • ANZAED Credential Eating Disorder Clinician

  • Inside Out | The Essentials: Training Clinicians in Eating Disorders

  • Health At Every Size® & Non-Diet Approach Training, Health Not Diets

  • California Diabetes and Pregnancy Program Affiliate Training, Sweet Success

  • Motivational Interviewing, Tara MacGregor

  • Food Safety Manager Certification

  • Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga Arts

About: Bio
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